Birth Control: More Warnings, More Recalls

For patients and consumers, it is important to stay current with pharmaceutical recalls and important medical information. In recent news, the oral contraceptive, Alysena-28, distributed by the Canadian branch of Apotex Inc., was recently recalled for containing an additional week’s supply of placebo pills. As an oral form of birth control, Alysena-28 should contain a … Continue reading

Weird Side Effects

Prescribed medications are researched, created, and manufactured to help patients with severe and life altering health conditions.  At times, serious side effects may create additional hazards for those who consume the medications (Reference to the drug commercials in which the warning indications are longer than the actual advertisements). For pharmaceutical companies, it is as important … Continue reading

Hanging a Jury: When a Jury is Involved

Law dramas and television shows may dramatize and romanticize juries. Their reactions, responsibilities, and verdicts seem promising and exciting. But citizens called to serve their state and country for jury duty often dread their civilian task. Although the rules about serving on a jury panel are presented during jury duty in each county, many people … Continue reading

Class Action Lawsuits for Pharmaceutical Medications

Everyone has seen advertisements on television or in magazines claiming of serious side effects when using certain prescribed drugs on the market. For those who may have experienced dangerous results from medications, it is important to know an individual’s options about basic pharmaceutical litigation and the gravity of class action lawsuits. What is Pharmaceutical Litigation? … Continue reading

What is the FDA?

Without adequate data, trusting a large organization for health and safety information regarding your family may make some people skeptical. For the purpose of alleviating hesitation in the public, the government established the FDA organization. What is the FDA? The United States Food and Drug Administration, the USFDA or the FDA, is an agency of … Continue reading

The Real Threat of Januvia

As Americans’ weight draws more attention to national health, people need to understand the serious threat of obesity and the likelihood of diabetes with increased weight. To begin, there are two types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, which is also known as juvenile diabetes effects individuals under the age of 40 regardless of weight; Type … Continue reading

Stryker Rejuvenate and ABGII Hip Implants

Crippling accidents and old age may leave an individual with a hip and joint pain that may be difficult to live with. Hip replacement surgeries are often serious procedures that require lengthy recovery periods and physical therapy during recuperation. Surgeries that attempt to mend hip problems should not create new health problems. Hip implants such … Continue reading

Mirena: Keeping Women Safe?

Women who have families and want to temporarily prevent further familial growth have often been recommended Mirena, an intrauterine or an IUD contraceptive method. Mirena is a 99% effective birth control method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. As a small, T-shaped device, Mirena is implanted in the uterus by a medical professional as a form of … Continue reading

NuvaRing: Women Beware

With so many forms of birth control now available on the market, women can choose the best method for themselves and their partners. In 2001, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the hormones and the method at which NuvaRing products release the hormones into the female anatomy. To begin, NuvaRing is a flexible, … Continue reading

Byetta: The Truth

For 9% of the United States population, living with type 2 diabetes may be a daily struggle. As the more common form of diabetes, type 2 diabetes mostly affects adults and minority populations, including Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, and African Americans. For more information regarding diabetes, specifically type 2 diabetes, please follow the … Continue reading